The CHAN Project


Bull’s Eye!

Bucket list: a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.

I have to admit, 80-90% of the time that I spent in high school, I imagined I was elsewhere. Yeah, I know, typical teen backstory. But I can honestly say today that that time was well spent. I was always adrift, thinking of things I wished to do in the future.

11 years have gone by, and I haven’t done anything of what I intended to do, until last weekend that is.

Note: By the way, I’ll share my bucket list in another post.

Archery is the art, practice, or skill of propelling arrows with the use of a bow.

In short, you use a bow to shoot an arrow at something (usually a target) or someone.

Okay, you can scratch the “someone” part, unless of course if you’re:

a.) using arrows with suction cup tips; or
b.) a psycho.

As much as I would like to share with you a brief history of what Archery is, I think a brief definition would suffice. And you’ll take what I give you, so end of discussion.

I have always been interested in Archery. Well, not really. Sorcery is my game. But let’s face it, until that day comes when I’ll be able to throw fireballs and lightning spears at people, Archery is the closest thing that I’m ever going to get.

It was a stroke of luck when I found out just recently that a College friend was in it too. See, the thing with MY planning style is, if I plan on doing something alone, there’s a huge chance that I’ll bail. So this indeed is something fortunate.

Oh, and we also invited another College friend to come with us.

And then there were three…

Note: and yes, I know the above only works when you started with many and your numbers dwindled. But I wanted to use it, so there.

We went to Kodanda Archery Range in Makati for some Archery fun. For details, you can visit their Facebook page at

Ready, Aim, Fire!

Ready, Aim, Fire!

Note that there are other Archery ranges in Metro Manila (like Benel and Gandiva). But of course, this is the first one that I’ve ever been to.

I have to admit, the place wasn’t really awe-inspiring. I expected more of a wide area with the targets mounted on hay stacks. I guess my imagination was just way up there; my bad.

They charge Php 500.00 an hour. That’s inclusive of the following:

– A side quiver with 5 arrows
– A finger tab
– An arm guard
– A recurve bow
– An instructor

You also have to pay Php 30.00 for the printed target. I was under the impression that you can bring one for your own use (and save 30.00). A picture of a person perhaps?

We also followed certain rules. Not sure if I can remember all of ’em, but here’s what I can gather:

– NEVER dry shoot. Dry shooting is when you pull and release the string without an arrow. This can damage the bow.
– Rest the bow on your foot when not in use.
– Place the bow back on the rack before taking back the arrows from your targets.
– You must let ALL archers finish their round before taking back your arrows (unless of course if you’re stupid, or you like the adrenaline rush, then by all means).
– Wait for the whistle before loading.

I’m not going into detail on how to shoot an arrow as I think this would differ from one archer to another. But a good tip is to mind your stance. I was unfortunate enough to fire a round with an incorrect (or lousy) stance. Thus, my left arm was hit by the string 5 times, and it hurt even though I had the arm guard on.

There are three distances: 5 meters, 8 meters and 10 meters.

As much as I wanted to start immediately at 10 meters and show them how great I am, all beginners start at 5m.

Note: I’m not sure of the mentioned distance of the targets. Will have to double-check.

The whistle blew, and off went our arrows. At first, I had this feeling that I’ll get this right off the bat.

Of course I was wrong. I didn’t know what I was doing. I wasn’t even hitting the target.

First round in; seeing my shots at the target, the pressure was on. I know this isn’t a competition, but I personally had to make it one. It’s the only way to push myself even further.

Praises were given by the instructor for my also-beginner friend who didn’t even want to play in the first place. As much as I wanted to aim at him and shoot out of envy, I can’t, and I won’t (unless otherwise provoked by my own lameness).

Our game was only for an hour. Waiting for our turn felt like forever, but time went by so fast when we were already playing, realizing that an hour is definitely not enough.

When our time was up, I couldn’t be more proud of what my target looked like: A few shots in the middle (yellow part, 10 and 9 points) and everything else was everywhere.

My friend’s sales pitch before we even decided to go was that when you’re shooting, you tend to forget everything; your mind will go blank; it’s just you and your target. While I can say that I’m an expert at blanking out, the way she said everything was like she went to Nirvana and back or something.

And in all fairness, she was right. In that one hour, I seem to have forgotten: the bad stuff, the good stuff, my name, my friends’ names, etc. and in my case, that was just what the doctor ordered.

On to my verdict. To answer the most obvious of questions:

Would I go there again? Yes.
Was it all worth it? Yes.
Did you try Archery out because of the Hunger Games? HELL NO.

My advice is not to snort at the place upon seeing it. You’re in there to have a good time, and a good time you shall have; for a price of 530 that is.

I am now thinking of doing this for two hours on a monthly basis, and maybe get that gold-plated, bladed compound bow that I was talking about and practice at the mall during the weekend holiday sales.

“‘Tis the season to be jolly.”

Starting Over — Again

I haven’t done any posts for quite some time now, 5 months to be exact, and I have to be honest here, I’ve thrown all my “hard work” in said span of time. Yup, I’ve gained it all back. In fact, I’m 3 pounds heavier compared to when I started last July 2012. So yes, I have a lot of catching up to do, and I guess it’s about time.

I can’t help but wonder: if I have had a strong will, even just a tiny bit for me to continue, by now I could have achieved my goal weight. But as they say, there’s no use crying over spilled milk, so let’s just skip the dramatics and move on, shall we?

Let’s get you up to speed with what you’ve missed so far:

– I gained weight again (currently at 210. Really bad).
– I’m not longer in Law School. A bit sad but at the very least, all of the pressure’s off.
– I’m working again. Yup, this is the main reason why I gained all that weight. I’ve been enjoying a lot of “alone time” at fast food chains, and by a lot, I mean almost everyday.

I can officially say that I’m a mess right now. And what should we be doing with messes? That’s right, clean it all up.

I will have to set some ground rules, but that would be for another post.

I have to say this before I set forth on another mission: it’s good to be writing again.

“Saying what’s on your mind without any burden is a good short break from insanity.”

Korean Night: Gaji Namul

Okay, so it’s now two nights in a row. Maybe I should make it a week? Or maybe a month? Hmm…

Anyhow, I’ve decided not to end my “obsession” with Korean cuisine, so I’ll be making one or two dishes when I can.

Tonight’s banchan was Gaji Namul or Seasoned Eggplant.

The spices weren’t that intricate. I used almost the same ones that I’ve used the night before on my Sukju Namul and Dubu Jorim.

Recipe was taken from here:

And here’s my single-serve plating:

Of course, this being only a banchan (side dish), I have my main dish: Tuna Belly.

I must say that the two went well together, and that my tummy is really happy. If it can talk, it would probably say “thank you”.

I’ll work on side dishes for a while, or until I’m able to create at least 20 without looking at the recipe. Then I’ll try making main dishes. 🙂

Korean Night: Dubu Jorim and Sukju Namul

I’m not really over with the Korean theme for this week (all thanks to my Sungkyunkwan Scandal marathon), so I’ve decided to make two simple dishes: Dubu Jorim (Korean Braised Tofu) and Sukju Namul (Bean Sprout Salad).

Recipes were taken here:

Although this is the first time that I made anything Korean, I sort of deviated from how Dubu Jorim is supposed to be cooked. I didn’t braise it at all and directly placed it in the sauce. So I guess this is more of “Boiled Tofu”. It still tasted good (read: edible) though.

Then we have the salad. It was really simple to make and the sesame oil gave it a good amount of flavor.

All in all, I can say that the two dishes balanced each other out in terms of texture. The softness of the tofu contrasted that of the crunchiness of the salad.

I don’t know if what I made was proper, if it was even acceptable, or if it’s still even Korean, but all I know is that people here in our home enjoyed every last bit of it. 🙂

Despite how sad this sounds, I’d give myself props; a pat on the back for trying.

But don’t take my word for it, here’s my single-serve plating of the two dishes:

This is not the end of it though. I’ll be trying out more Korean dishes in the near future.

But first, I’m thinking of visiting a Korean restaurant, just so I’d know how these dishes should turn out like. 🙂

When Love and Hate Collide

I’ve started watching Korean dramas again. I have to admit that it’s a refreshing experience from your typical Filipino story plot: poor girl becomes rich and exacts revenge on her oppressors, or the now common “mistress” theme.

I was first introduced to Korean dramas because of the local network stations’ adoption of it here in the Philippines. My first real obsession was “Full House” back in College. I liked the story so much that I was able to do a “marathon session” finishing it in just a day. Although this was my first dive on a part of Korean culture, in my view it wasn’t really a “proper” introduction for it.

Just recently I discovered of a Korean drama entitled “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” on ABS-CBN. Upon research, it was released in S. Korea in 2010, and while it didn’t get that much viewer rating per episode, it was still a success. The version that I saw on TV was dubbed wholly in Filipino. I caught a glimpse of the pilot episode and got quite interested with its story. As my Semestral break is about to come to a close however, I knew I wouldn’t be able to watch it on its daily time slot  so I decided to watch it online. For two days I watched the English-subbed version. I would like to take this opportunity to thank “fansubbers”, for whom without, watching and finishing the show would not be possible.

(from left to right) Yoo Ah-In, Park Yoochun, Park Min-Young, and Song Joong-Ki.

It is a historical drama about a girl dressing up as a guy (I believe this has become a common plot in Korean dramas) entering an all-guys school, falling in love and changing the world (not exactly in that order), all happening in an era when females couldn’t even work, except maybe as a professional Kisaeng (Gisaeng – female entertainers / prostitutes). Of course I accept that most of the story is fiction and that it still wasn’t a “proper” introduction of their history and culture, the setting on the other hand, down to the clothes, the whole feel of the drama (and the lightheartedness of it all) actually has its distinct Korean mark on it.

In those two days, I was captivated; the characters, although a bit lacking in development, were quite believable and most importantly, likable.  I commend the actors at how they made this viewer long for the camaraderie that their characters have shown along the way, as if I was part of (or would like to be part of) that friendship.

After watching it, I can still feel its effects. I’ve researched a lot about the actors, but most especially, their culture. I could not stop talking and thinking about it. I’ve even downloaded the free English-subbed versions for personal use. I was a man obsessed.

I thought of going to South Korea for an adventure similar to the experience that I subjected myself through these dramas, so I planned to take a trip to Seoul, and with planning, I knew that further research is required.

So there I went, researching online about the do’s and don’ts of going (and staying) in South Korea. It was a fascinating experience, until after I stumbled upon a HUGE don’t:  DON’T BE A FILIPINO.

I’ve read in blogs of expats living in South Korea about how some (if not, a majority) of their citizens tend to favor Americans or Europeans (read: white people) and at how they look down on their ASIAN neighbors.

As a Filipino, although my skin is considered here to be fairly white, I still wouldn’t pass as an American or European. In other words, if I go there, I wouldn’t have the same kind of preferential treatment people from said countries would get. Worst is, I’d get exactly the opposite.

So now I am plagued with questions:

If and when I go there, would they look down on me as well? Would I enjoy my stay there if I catch locals talking about me in a demeaning manner? Should I still go there?

These form part of what I’ve read so far, and I must say that I’ve never been this conflicted.

Part of me has come to love their culture, but only insofar as it is being represented in Korean dramas. The other half, the scared half, has become restless at the disturbing fact that there’s a chance I would be treated unfairly just because of my skin color. That instead of an enchanting stay, I’d be met with THE worst experience just because of me not being Korean (duh) and not being white enough to be adored or even be looked upon.

Now this is sad.

The love that I received just from watching “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” is now being challenged by the potentially damaging status quo in South Korea.

I know, I know. “Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it.”

But then again, why should I risk going there only to be ridiculed by people whom I was willing to love and learn from? If all the said hate towards us was well-founded, I would have accepted that such love was not meant to be. But alas, something as petty as not meeting the “whiteness standards” is pretty much incomprehensible in my book.


I am still open to the idea of going there though. But until these doubts have been completely laid to rest, I shall remain ever the spectator; looking at the wonderful possibilities through beautifully crafted lines and romantic acting, waiting for the day when everything from the small screen would make it into reality.

Mini-project in the works.

I’m starting a new project wherein I jot down every piece of comment from a certain someone at home. They are mostly negative in nature, so I figured that I might as well do something productive about it than just bear with it.

Well, this person has a lot to say about what’s on TV that I just had to write down most of it. Some are hilarious, while others are just plain ridiculous.

Due to the nature of our relationship however, I am obliged not to divulge this person’s identity.

Also, I already named the project. But due to delicate nature of the project title, I can’t share it here either. (Hint: It has that person’s identifier on it).

Anyhow, I just hope I’d be able to handle all of this before I go mad.

Facebook and Twitter Deactivation


I have to admit, Facebook and Twitter wasn’t really my thing back then. Sure, in the end it was my choice to join these social networking sites, but thing is, the circumstances that led me to that choice was greatly influenced by others.

I joined both services sometime in 2009. I created a Twitter account because I got curious as to how it works. I didn’t find it useful back then and only really started using it in 2011.

On the other hand, I joined Facebook because of the games. Also, because of the interaction between my family and friends (yes, they know each other), to which I am left out of. Joining meant I get to be “in” on the buzz.

My use of both services has evolved from casual use to borderline obsessive; checking the feeds and reading them constantly, without real purpose as to why I’m doing it.

When it comes down to it, the only real use I get with these services is information; updates from our school to be precise. But now that I found a way to get those updates working via Google Reader, what else is left for me to use those services?

Thing is, I’m really not a sociable person (read: shy). I know, if you know me personally you might think that this is complete BS. I don’t know how it works, but I am like that to people who I do not know.

Also, I’ve stopped playing Facebook games a couple of years ago. One of the main contributors to my joining the said social site.

So, now that I’ve established that I’m not a social butterfly (fly is more like it), that I get my news somewhere else, and that I lost that one reason why I joined in the first place (games), I have come to a conclusion that there is no point for me to continue using Facebook (and Twitter for that matter).

This “challenge” is meant to be temporary. I’ve imposed to myself the rules to this challenge, not using the said sites for 30 days. But who knows? If along the way I find that losing access to these sites was actually beneficial for me, then I might just make this a permanent.

Anyhow, if you find the need to contact me, you may do so through this blog, via email, or if you have my mobile number with you, just send me a text message.

You don’t have to suffer to be a “brother”.

I get the fact that we humans find the need to join groups. We all have our little communities where we band together for different reasons: companionship, affiliation, or if you’re emo enough, to find that missing piece of your existence. I for one find myself comfortable with specific groups of people. So I do get joining a club, a forum, or even a fraternity.


What I do not get though is the view of fraternities when it comes to camaraderie, or more specifically, “brotherhood”, and how their “initiation rites” work. I mean, I get it, there is some sort of prestige that comes with joining a fraternity, but is it worth losing one’s life?

Hazing, as defined by, is “subjection to harassment or ridicule.” So, does that definition cover being paddled to death? Clearly, it does not. So what covers paddling then?

Torture? Maybe. Murder? Perhaps. A test? NOT A CHANCE.

I really don’t get what they’ll be able to prove here. That you can take a beating? For what? Are they preparing you for war or something? I’d rather join the army for that. At the very least, I’ll be losing my life for a noble cause.

No matter the ‘excuse’, this act can never be justified. Trying to do so would be like giving your own sick version of reality.

When you find yourself a group, there will be circumstances where you’ll be able to prove your loyalty to the people in that group. But to test one’s loyalty as a requisite to be with those people? You’re better off finding yourself another band of brothers, one that will not ask for your life as deposit or insurance.

I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the families of Marvin Reglos, and just recently, Marc Andrei Marcos; freshmen from San Beda College School of Law – Mendiola.


May your souls find peace in the loving arms of the Almighty Father and may your families find the strength to overcome this ordeal.


I’m turning 27 in a few days, making me take a hard look at what I have done so far, and when I try to look at what lies ahead, I only see me toiling some more.

Not that it’s bad or anything, it actually is a good sign as I have an inkling of what I should be doing. Having a plan for everything is and will always be a good thing. The problem lies in their execution, or lack thereof.

I want to shift my direction to a couple of degrees, maybe to a complete 180. I want to go where I haven’t gone before. I want those plans to actually occur. I want change.

But it’s not gonna happen if I just sit here and dream, no. I have to work for it.

Thus leading me to go and search for something to kick-start this quest for renewal:

“Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.”

— Lao Tzu

Now, when I think about it, what have I mastered so far?

I did work for 3 years, and mastery of my “chores” are to be expected. But I no longer work there, thus rendering this subject irrelevant.

I left work for law school, but even after two years I have yet to truly master my plan of attack on studying.

Cooking? No. I am to be considered “amateur” at best.

Ah, yes. Gadgetry. I have always been obsessed with the latest and greatest. Ask me something about it and there’s a good chance that I would know. But what does it have to do with my future? I’m not to be expected to buy and sell stuff all the time. Nor is it applicable in my studies (well, so far it isn’t. I have yet to dabble on intellectual property laws). So this subject proves to be nothing but a hobby, which strangely I have a strong passion for.

Thus my predicament: How should I mastery myself if I don’t know what I’m good at? Or I do know what I’m good at it’s just that it does not supplement what I need to be doing.

Come to think of it, I have stated so far what I know; what I have. I have yet to state what I lack.


Yes, my obsession has gotten the best of me, which proves to be quite taxing with regard to my duty as a student. Every night instead of hitting the books, I squander my time searching online for something “new” to see.

I lack control. I lack focus. I lack conviction. All of which are within the scope of Self-Discipline.

This is why when I read, I get distracted so easily.

Why I eat too much.

Why I exercise one day and not do it the entire week.


Why I plan so much but never seem to make any of those plans happen.

So now that I’ve identified the problem, what should I do now?

Simple: make things happen.

Follow through with my plans. Finish what I have started.

Words. They’re simple to say, but so hard to do. That is why I write this post, to somehow take note that in this day I recognize my inadequacies for me to be able to address them properly.

So now, I, Chan, being of sound body and mind, do hereby swear that the next posts in this blog with regard to my plans, will come to fruition. That the said plans are made to challenge myself to be better, so that in the near future, I would be able to master myself.

So help me God.


No news for today *sigh* I was so eager to receive some good news, but nada.

One notable thing that happened this day is the death of former Armed Forces Chief of Staff Angelo Reyes. He apparently shot himself in the chest. I’ll write my thoughts about his death some other time though (and I do have plenty of ’em in my head).

On to the more cheery stuff today, I listened on and on to the song “Live Like We’re Dying” by The Script. I like the message, and it clicks with what I’m trying to do with my life now.

This song was written by Mark Sheehan and Danny O’Donoghue (Guitarist and Vocalist of “The Script”) for American Idol Season 8 winner Kris Allen.


Nothing new on a Monday. I’ve decided that if I were to post on my blog some random update, I would just give it a numerical title. This is the first, so go figure.

I’m currently hot in pursuit of something that would aid me in my new adventures. I’ll reveal it once I get the news from the reps. I’m excited about this one. (CLUE: FLASH!)

I have also decided to start running again. Yes, me, using my legs, running. But then I just remembered that I gave away my running shoes, leaving me with my Crocs and Sneakers as options. I’m not about to start running in any of them, so I guess running will commence once I get me a decent pair.

I guess that would be it. Time to hit the sack. Hoping for some good news tomorrow.

Mental Note: I have to remember to finish the layout on this blog. The only active widget is the RSS subscription link, and I don’t think it’s even working properly.

No money, more problems?

Got my haircut today, part of the changes lined up starting yesterday. Can’t post pics though as the only camera I have is the one on my phone, and I’m telling you it’s a bit crappy at taking shots.

So, I’m here to ask: Isn’t it funny how things work in life? One minute you have almost everything you could ever need,  a second goes by and you lose most, if not all of it.

Like my desktop for instance: it just crapped out on me; and last Thursday I had to break the bank to pay for my monthly dues. I’m used to having money with me. At times I don’t have to worry ’bout anything ’cause I have some stashed somewhere. But now all of it’s gone and I know it’s all my fault as I squandered on tech stuff during the holidays. So now I’m really struggling on how I would be able to pay for my bills for the coming months.

As I worry my ass off at how I’m going to pull off my plans for this year (because let’s be honest some changes come at a price; Some expensive, while others are a bargain), I learned about this song from my cousin with the artist’s name being Jessie J, and the song is entitled “Price Tag”.

The words to the song were a bit hard to swallow at first, especially the part where she says “Why is everybody so obsessed? Money can’t buy us happiness”. I mean from where I am right now, money would certainly make me happy. But then right after that she says “Can we all slow down and enjoy right now guarantee we’ll be feelin’ all right”, which made me think that yeah, even though I really don’t have anything at the moment, I should treasure and make do with what I have at the moment and just be happy with it, and I am.

I’m happy with how things are going on right now (minus the money problems of course). Like at how clear my head is unlike before, and at realizing that I could do more if I just try. I’m throwing my security blankets (one for each insecurity) one by one just to feel free, unburdened by what others might possibly think and just enjoy life.

A bit of a cliché I know, but the song helped me in some way. That’s what I love about Music. One minute you’re so down, after listening you’d be up and at ’em.

So, does it really mean having no money causes more problems? I’d have to say in my situation, Yes. But with this newfound courage, I know I can do something about it and that everything would turn out A-OK. I could always try and look for a job after all.

Hmm, I guess my pessimistic days are over as well. 🙂

How do you do, 2011?

I really wanted to start a new blog for this year. Not that I’ve been blogging like crazy before or anything, No. On the contrary, my previous blog went to smithereens as I was unable to sustain my own negativity. So this time around, I wanted something fresh. A whole new outlook in life, and I really do hope this would turn out okay for me.

Anyhow, let’s start with welcoming 2011. Although sure, the whole thing is fun and all, but in my opinion there’s really no need for fireworks. For me, the new year is just a way of making you look back on the years that have gone by, and for us to try and make things right, if not better. It’s really hard to contemplate on the eve of the 1st when you’re coughing your lungs out from the smoke produced by your ever-charming neighbors. Not to mention the noise you get from the relentless blasts of the “Sawa” and “Sinturon ni Judas” firecrackers, to name a few.

So how is 2011 going to be new for me?

I’ve been a Passive Observer almost all my life; watching the world go by as I continue living in my own world. I’m telling you, although I get this now-sick-feeling that I was right about something that I was observing on, there’s really no point to it. Sure I get to gloat for a while, but it’s all to myself; I have no one to share it with. It might sound that I’m looking for somebody so let me tell you now: NO, that would come in a different time. But of course I’m open to the idea.

I usually planned a lot of stuff in my head. Things that I really wanted to do, like Archery, or learn how to play the violin, or study Japanese and afterwards go to Japan, all of which could be possible but were put aside as I was trying to go down on one dead-end road, back out of it, only to go down on another one. It’s ridiculous if I think about it now, and I really am thankful that somehow I’ve managed to end this personal torture cycle.

So now, I guess these plans are in full-effect, with a whole lot more in tow for this joy ride. 25 and counting. Yes, for me, life starts at 25, and I’ll be savoring everyday and every minute of it. But excited as I am, I have to admit that I need gas before this ride departs, and I need it BAD. But of course, there’s nothing that a new job won’t fix. 🙂